COMPETE AT LARGE - Important Information

Any contestant that has competed in a local competition but has not titled can consider competing at large! To compete at large all information must be turned in by Saturday, February 3rd at 5 p.m.

For Miss At Large information please email

For Teen At Large information please email


We believe every young woman who has the desire to compete for Miss Nebraska/Teen should have that opportunity. Anyone can compete as an At-Large Contestant as long as eligibility criteria and paperwork requirements are met. You will be required to pay an entry fee of $550 which will include your sash and crown.

Upon committing to compete At-Large you will be given a title to compete as (ex: Miss _____/Teen), and from that point you will only be recognized as your assigned title, just like the other contestants.

Competing At-Large is a great opportunity for any young woman to compete for the title of Miss Nebraska/ Teen.

Abbie Pack